Razzzor Technologies is Live!

Welcome to a New Year! Welcome to Razzzor Technologies!

I am so excited to present to you The Blade, a blog featuring posts on the subject of “cutting edge” technology. Not only will we discuss the services that Razzzor Technologies can provide, but technology in our lives in general. The advances made over the past several years have been astounding – the Internet has become ever-reaching and more interactive.

holding-smartphoneAre you in an industry that traditionally has had no link with the World Wide Web? The explosion of smart-phone use means that each one of us carries around a continuous connection to the Internet. In fact, ComScore reports that there are 234 million U.S. residents using mobile devices ¹. No matter the industry, a web presence is an essential tool of success. In fact, a mobile web presence is becoming even more so. If you already have a business web site, are you certain it’s mobile browser friendly?

Contact us now to start creating or improving your web presence. Let Razzzor Technologies provide you with the expertise to strengthen your market visibility and slash your path to success! See you at the next The Blade installment.



1.  June 2012 U.S. Mobile Subscriber Market Share

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